Sunday, July 11, 2010

Two online journals on week 2 topics

I found the following online journal which provides several articles on information processing theory.
I think this online journal is important for all the colleagues those who follow instructional design course as so many articles not only on information processing theory but on the other learning theories are available in it. If you wish to explore more about information processing, information processing theory and other theories namely contiguity theory, Gestalt theory, social learning theory, dual coding theory, social judgment theory the above mentioned online journal is a valuable resource. Further, it provides articles that review theories and views given by Skiner, Vygotsky, Dewey, Piaget, Weiner, Bandura, Gardnerand Gagn'e.

I also found "Educational Psychology Interactive" online journal is also rich with the article related to the week 2 topics. The following link will provide you access to the journal.
As I found this online journal contains articles on information processing, brain and biology. In addition it provides you so many article covering a wide range in education and education psychology.

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