Sunday, August 1, 2010

When I remember the days I started my higher education at university my computer literacy level was zero. Computer was a luxury item that was not available for the general public. Then I started using computer at the university computer lab two hours a week. By that time I did not realized the strength of computers in the field of education. Then I was familiar with some software applications and used the computer as an effective and easy typewriter. I opened an e-mail account few years latter and started using Google as a search engine. Very recently I attended a training programme in Malaysia and then I identified blog as a valuable tool that can be used in the teaching learning process. Now I am familiar with search engines and websites such as Google, E-mails, Face book, You Tube, Teachers Tube, Slide share, etc. After starting online course at Walden university I realized the potential of e-learning.
At present based on my personal experiences I believe that blogs are the digital tools best facilitate my learning. The reason why I am telling this is blogs facilitate dialogues and sharing knowledge and experiences of the people all over the world. In addition it can be used as a effective and efficient teaching-learning tool in both children’s and adult aclasses.

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